Time for a
lightning fast website?

As specialists in website optimisation we can help you increase revenue in days. Slow speeds seriously affect your company's bottom line, elevate your competitors and impede customer satisfaction. On average a one second delay on website loading decreases conversions by 7%. We guarantee an average 98 page speed score for desktop and mobile within 4 days without any impact to your website design or functionality.







Bounce rate


Ready to increase your sales?

Claim your $1000 speed audit for FREE just by telling us a little bit
about your company.

Fill out your details here to receive you free speed audit:

Across 5 clients to-date, we’ve seen years of Speed troubles be resolved in a matter of days. As a result, we’re seeing happy devs and huge gains across SEO, Google Ads & general conversion rates. Truly refreshing.

Why does Google's
page speed matter?

Improving the speed directly impacts how your customers view your website. Fast speed means happier customers and more conversions. Simple.

With Google’s recent update, your website’s page speed is now more important than ever. To date, business owners generally have not paid a great deal of attention to their website speed but come June 2021, if your website does not hit the mark, your position on Google could drop quite significantly.

Google is constantly trying to improve it’s user’s experience and in doing so will seriously favour websites and business whose loading times are within Google’s Guidelines. If you are unsure what your PageSpeed score is, find out below.

1 in 4

Would abandon a website that takes more than 4 seconds to load.

1 second

Reduces customer satisfaction by 16%

64% of shoppers

Who are dissatisfied with a website will shop somewhere else next time.

46% of

Don't revisit poorly performing websites.

The benefits of increased speed in real life scenarios. Let's look at the numbers:

  • Conversions
    One second delay equates to a 7% loss of conversions.
  • Speed Effects Sales
    A site making $100,000/pcm with a one second improvement increases revenue by $84,000 annually.
  • Repeat Business
    79% of customers who are unhappy with a website's speed are unlikely to purchase from the site again.
  • Google
    Slow loading sites don't rank well with Google. In fact sites with poor user experience including laboured page loading are penalised, meanwhile, websites showing quality user experience receive a SEO uplift.


You can expect exceptional results from our service.
We aim for 100%, averaging 98/100 on desktop and mobile.



Why our service is different
from other providers

The beauty of our speed product is that It works continuously to optimise the website as new content and features are added. So you’ll never get a drop-off in speed.

Us vs Them

What the experts are saying

Across 5 clients to-date, we've seen years of Speed troubles be resolved in a matter of days. As a result, we're seeing happy devs and huge gains across SEO, Google Ads & general conversion rates. Truly refreshing.

phil headshot
Phil Oren
CEO, Intender

Our 4 Step Process

Improving the speed directly impacts how your customers view your website. Fast speed means happier customers and more conversions. Simple.


Contact us and receive a personalised quote to suit your business needs and budget.


Analysis of your website and target areas for improvement.


Implement site wide optimisations. This is an extremely low risk process and there will be no change to the website design or functionality

Go Live

Delivery and launch of a fully optimised site including speed test results and core web vital reports

How it works & what we do

We integrate our CDN (Content Delivery Network) tool and optimise all assets including images, code and videos. Our solution then serves your website content to your users as and when they need it. Delivering a lightneing fast experience your users will love.

Frequently Asked Questions

The most common questions we get asked about our solution. We've got you covered and will have your website running like a well oiled marketing machine in no time.

  • Is our website safe with you?
    Yes, it's 100% safe with us. All work is completed on a staging environment. All optimisations are completed within this environment and tested before we push live.
  • What is the process?
    The process is simple, you'll provide log-ins,we complete our analysis and optimisations, test and launch.
  • Will you be working on the live site?
  • Will the website design & functionality change in any way?
    No, there are absolutely no changes to the design and functionality of your website. Our solution provides a full optimised site will no impact to design.
  • Does the optimisation work across the whole site?
    Yes. The optimisation works across the entire site for all content pages and it also future proofs your website for any additional updates and changes.
  • What's the impact to mobile speed?
    In most cases mobile speed will be better than desktop.
  • How long does optimisation last?
    As long as the site is live
  • Is there support post optimisation?
    Yes, we are available to help post optimisation
  • What's a CDN?
    CDN (Content Delivery Network) are servers placed all around the world that deliver optimised images, CSS and JavaScript. These files generally make up over 50% of a page and sadly traditional hosting can be much slower at delivering these. Therefore CDN's are a great option as these serve these files extremely swiftly.
  • Will my website remain safe and secure?
    Yes, there is no impact to security. Your site security is of the utmost importance and all security best practice measures will be implemented to ensure all data is secure.
  • How long will it take to see results?
    Results are are immediate from when the site is pushed live
  • Does your solution work on all wordpress websites?
    The solution works with 99% of WordPress sites. If yours fits in the 1% we will not change for implementation.

We're specialists in developing
and optimising websites

30+ years experience

A wealth of Knowledge.
View our work.

Australian based

Trusted by Australian businesses.

Available for calls

Plus face-to-face chats.
Fast and professional.